2025 KSIA Dues

Regular Voting Member

  • 100 or fewer employees - $150
  • 101-200 employees - $300 
  • 201-500 employees - $500 
  • 501-1000 employees - $800 
  • Over 1000 employees - $1,250

Any employer operating in the state of Kentucky as a self-insurer, either as provided by the Kentucky Workers' Compensation Law and other appropriate statutes, regulations, or grant of authority shall be qualified for membership in the association and shall be authorized to vote at any meeting of the association.

Associate Member $400
Any person, corporation or business which provides administrative or other services to a self-insured employer may be a member of the Association.

Please note: If you pay with a credit card, the processing fees will be added to your transaction.

Mark your calendar and register your team now!

REGULAR MEMBERS (Self-Insured Companies)

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Businesses that provide services to self-insured employers (i.e., TPA, physical therapists, attorneys, etc).)


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